
Sunday, December 2, 2007

Ragingdemon's Licker

Here's the in-progress shots of RD's Licker along with the comparison to my own before the final blood coat, blackwash and final sealer spray. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Let's hope that he is.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hunter Alpha

The Hunter Alpha from the original Resident Evil and the Remake has been a fan favorite creature for awhile now. NECA's take on the figure was fine in terms of sculpt, aside from a few things here and there. Where it was ultimately lacking was scale and the look on the face that made it look dopey and non-threatening.

The exposed gums bothered the hell out of me so I splashed on a but of paint and here we are.

A before picture of the original factory painted look can be found here.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Licker Repaint

The Licker has always been one of my favorite creature designs. NECA's most recent take on the monster is one of the best. The sculpt is solid, despite the lack of the shoulder blade armor in the actual character design. The figure is based off of a piece of promotional art rather than the actual creature from the gameplay. That left it with a very dull, very flat pink paint job that looked nothing like the exposed muscle that was sculpted.

With a few shades of red drybrushing and a gloss overcoat, I was able to bring out more of the detail. Keep in mind, this is probably one of the simplest repaints of all time. The effect makes it look like it took a significant amount of work, but to be honest, this may be my fastest repaint of all time. I fully repainted the facial area to remove the green and then hit the whole body with a few custom mixed shades of red. When it was dry, I hit the whole thing with a glossy acrylic sealer and then an overcoat of matte sealer to lock everything in.

In the end I was pleased with the result. I'm sure if i took more time I could make it significantly better. In addition, I think the sculpted shoulder blade armor would be an amazing addition to the figure. Maybe I'll get to that one day. Only time will tell.


Tyrant - 002

One of the things that bothered me the most about NECA's work on their Resident Evil figures has always been the paint work. Now don't get me wrong. I don't often think I can do better. But let's take a look at the Tyrant, here.
He's has a complete repaint from head to toe. 6 different shades of red were used to create the look on the heart and veins. In addition, the left arm, chest, head and the wounds were hit with some moderate black wash.
How does it look?

And here's some stylized, old-fashioned Photoshop goodness

I like it much better than the stock paint scheme, which bothered the hell out of me.

Chaos Customs Blog

This place will serve as a repository for my custom figure work, new and old... repaints included.

If you like what you see, have a question or constructive criticisms please feel leave a comment.

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